Send your message at the right moment.
To begin, the optimal time to contact your audience is primarily determined by the means by which you will do it. Using WhatsApp to simultaneously distribute the same message will not provide the best results.
Why? Due to the wide variety of methods in which various media are accessed and interacted with, there is an ideal time for each platform's reach and involvement. Your postings will be more effective if you publish during the times when your audience like to receive them. This doesn't ensure success, but it does offer you a lot better chance of attaining your goals because of this consumer understanding.
Diverse Communications
Despite the fact that you're essentially sending out the same message, you'll need to compose each message for each platform individually.. Using hashtags on Facebook or LinkedIn, on the other hand, would be a distraction from the message you're trying to convey.
Remember that you may take use of every available time slot by just changing the message or expressing it from a new perspective, rather than posting the same thing again. Social media followers don't get the impression that you're spamming them by using this tactic.
When it comes to sending out marketing messages, it's important to know when the best moment to do so is.
Optimal Moments for Each Type of Messaging
For Facebook - This is the best time to use it. Engagement is 18 percent greater on Thursdays and Fridays and 32 percent on the weekends, according to research. Because of this, you may want to publish towards the end of the week. Between 7.30am and 8.30am, 12pm and 2pm, and 4:30pm and 6:30pm are the greatest times to post on Facebook, since people are most likely to check their accounts during these hours.
When to Tweet: Weekends and midweek on Wednesdays are the best times for companies to get the most out of their Twitter accounts, according to studies. As a result, most people use Twitter during their daily commutes; retweets peak around 5 pm, and the ideal times to tweet are between the hours of 8 and 9.30 am, 12 to 2 pm, and between the hours of 4.20 and 5.30 pm.
The best time to publish on LinkedIn is at the beginning or conclusion of the work day. As a result, this site is more likely to be viewed throughout the day than any of the others.
Over a third of all photographs submitted on this photo-sharing site are uploaded after 6pm. This is the best time to use Instagram. As of this writing, 6.17 percent of all posts have been made between the hours of midnight and 2am.
Within 15 minutes, 98 percent of SMS messages are opened, making it one of the most instantaneous channels. To avoid annoyance, do not overload the individual on this intimate platform with messages. Sending 4-6 SMS messages a month is all it takes to get results when it comes to text message marketing. The ideal time to launch a sms marketing campaign is between noon and 6 p.m., according to recent research.
The best time to send an email is in the beginning of the day. Unfortunately, only 20% of emails are really opened. Because of this, in email marketing, the more communications the better. Sending up to 30 messages a month has been shown to improve response rates in this form of marketing. It's been discovered that the ideal days and times to send emails are Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 2 and 4 pm.
Making Use of Your Own Mistakes
As with any kind of communication, you'll need to do your homework, experiment with various times, and figure out what works best for your particular brand and message before committing to anything. Then, stay with it. The good news is that our solutions for messaging, all of which include thorough data, can help you choose the optimal time to send your messages.
It's also possible to use our platform for cross-channel communication plans, which includes both SMS and email. We have a variety of options available to meet your needs. Request a demo of our Mobile Service Cloud, which allows communication through all accessible applications, SMS, and email, to learn more about our Messaging Products.